Cafe Hitch-hike



It occurred to me that I'm burning the candles at both ends. I'm trying to figure out what I can de-prioritize at work. Some things will just have to wait. I've been skipping lunch and not swimming, and I miss the hell out of the pool and my laps!

It's nice to be called on for different events and social gatherings, which has been on the increase. I'm getting the sense that others are enjoying my company and presence like I usually do with theirs. Or, maybe I'm getting more cognizant of something that may had been there all along.

The question of whether I will get paid or get a co-authorship was solved. Long story short, I will be getting paid instead. Oh, I can't wait to refill my money matters to pre-Rafa levels! That will be the last time I ever spend so much fucking money on a person or relationship!

Now, I'm just wishing for a sense of feeling refilled and refreshed, like a feeling that my inner cup is full and bubbling. Spring is here, after all, and I used to follow it so closely when I lived up north.

I paid attention to buds that sprouted on the bare trees and shrubs, soon to become leaves and flowers. Daffodils were usually the first flowers to bloom; I remember seeing little stalks perk through fine layers of snow that usually melted right away. The lilacs usually bloomed in May, and to me, that was a sign that the frosts of late winter were gone. Tulips usually bloomed in late April and May, when a region nearby me had their annual tulip festival.

When I was in Michigan in early May of 2012 for my grandfather's funeral, I noticed purple irises everywhere and in full bloom. Whenever I see them, I think of him. The symbolic meaning of the iris is royalty, faith, wisdom, hope, and valor, all of which I thought were fitting.

The changes between seasons where I am now aren't very visible. However, I seem to hear more birds between February and now than at other times. The nights are cool and breezy. March is usually our heavy pollen season, and a green-yellow dust is on any car parked outside. Once the humidity kicks in, steam bath/ kiln season has begun. Another interesting springtime phenomenon: shark migration season. A local snorkeling group usually won't plan outings until mid-May because sharks are mating and migrating right off our shores until then.

I forgot the name of a large, floral tree, but it is in full bloom usually in May and June. I once parked my car under one, and it looked like a Rose Bowl float! I had to brush blossoms off the car!

The wish I have is a feeling of being refreshed and renewed, and for a sense that my coffers (all of them) are filled once again. Here's to springtime and hopes for what could bloom in my own life!

downwind | upstream