Cafe Hitch-hike


Take Care, Treebuilt

Treebuilt works with me and she started being a graduate student assistant at the same time as me. She finished our graduate program a semester later than I, and now she's off to a shiny new position as a government documents/ reference librarian.

Here are the goodbyes I wished her:


Here are some things to miss about our library:

1. Our community outreach (public access computers where homeless people can download porn, play chess, and watch music videos all day)

2. Being the center of student activity (i.e., socializing and eating take-out)

3. Broad depth of experience with reference questions. ("I need to look for a blue archaeology book, I don't know the title or author"... "Where's the drinking fountain?"... "When is the birthday of the university president's great-grand cousin?")

4. Variety of patrons (the annoying senior citizen who calls asking for the birthdays of obscure people like Arnold Schwartzenegger's heart surgeon)

5. Co-workers with a variety of interests (One's obsessed with David Lee Roth... One loves fine art & film... One's been ragging you about not getting him farm-fresh eggs when you were taking care of someone's chickens)

You get the point! Best of luck on all your endeavors!!


downwind | upstream