Cafe Hitch-hike


All my boys

Something must've been in the air lately 'cause all my boys have been popping back into my life or getting back in touch lately.

My boys?? Yeah, my boys. The vast majority of my friends are men. I don't know why that is. For some reason, it isn't as easy for me to get on with women as it is for men.

Jesus, an old high-school classmate, is back in Michigan. He moved to Oregon with his girlfriend but I guess he couldn't find work and he didn't have his friends and family.

Hippy George, my former landlord/housemat e-mailed me. That was pretty cool! I have to look him up and see how he's been. I've been thinking of him lately.

Agh, and then Louis is sort of back in the picture. We haven't spoken much at all in the past 3 years, since I've moved to the Detroit area and we weren't speaking much for the last year I lived in EL Town, where I used to live. He found out I was reading his LiveJournal diary and then found out his buddy (and my friend) Flavio asked me to visit him in Austin. Well, Louis jumped to the conclusion that it's Flavio's fault I'm not talking.

I hadn't been talking to Louis because, well... I couldn't love him the way he wanted me to. I could love him as a friend, a friend where I knew his family and he knew mine and we were there fore each other. I couldn't love him more than that because, well... he wasn't my type. I liked being with him as a friend but not any more. Just because he's a man, I'm a woman, and we get along doesn't mean we automatically have to hook up! So if there wasn't that, he got jealous as hell the times I was dating or had a boyfriend. Come on! Who wouldn't feel comfortable being around someone like that??

Ah, yes, and then Max the Canadian e-mailed me. I hadn't heard from him in a while, since March. It felt weird telling him that I had a boyfriend, since we were friends with benefits. I wasn't sure how exactly things would be between us, and I'm not sure John would appreciate me talking to him (though I know he still keeps in touch with one of his former girlfriends who moved to California). Huh...

The crappy thing about male friends is that things get complicated whenever I get a boyfriend, hahaha; but man, are they good company!

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