Cafe Hitch-hike



I'm leaving for Chicago for a little conference. It has a self actualization theme, and it was recommended by John. I've been meaning to go on a retreat as of late, so I think this will be a good thing.

I checked out the organization. It doesn't have a church or religious affiliation. I also made sure it wasn't marriage encounter, or some sex workshop someone told me about from Real Sex on HBO (I don't watch it because I don't have cable). John sent his daughter to the teen branch, so I guess it's alright (it's nothing but the best for Nora).

I had a boss who went to a similar thing but for men only called "The New Warriors." His psychologist recommended it to him (he was seeing one because he wanted to do something about his chronic infidelity, which his wife got so sick of that she threatened to take his daughter, his house, and half of everything he owned and earned for the rest of his life if he didn't stop; ironically, he left his first wife for her). When he came back, he was freaky and suddenly acted as if he were enlightened. He got phone calls in his office from men he met through the retreat he called "brothers," and then encouraged me to join the woman's equivalent of the racket. That antic had me genuinely frightened, I was sick of his antics and drama, so I immediately found work elsewhere.

Chicago. I don't know. I haven't told anyone this, but every time I've been to Chi-Town with a boyfriend, we broke up within a month. I don't know, maybe our true colors really then came out? And, it was best for the long run on both occasions? Yes, I'd say so to both.

I shouldn't look at this trip as so perilous, hahahah. I look forward to the trip. I guess if there's anything I'd like to actualize, it's getting a real and steady job. There have been some interpersonal issues I'd like to look into.

I applied for a job in Austin, and I got an e-mail telling me I didn't make the cut.

"After a careful review of applicants, I am sorry to inform that you where not chosen for an interview."

So it's off to Chicago, I'll have some free time (John's bringing work, of course... it occured to me that he will work 80 hours a week to put Nora through private school, then to Notre Dame, Northwestern, University of Chicago, or University of Michigan, God knows not some state college, and this is exactly what he does... it's his kid, after all...). I brought some writing with me because I'm slowwwwwwwwly writing a novella, my first. Maybe the alone-time outside of my house (where I'm easily distracted) will do me good.

downwind | upstream