Cafe Hitch-hike


Next 5 Exits

Too busy to write??? Yes, that is me for once. I've been too busy at the univ.library, the pub.lib, and also at home. Projects on hand: painting interior of 750 sq-foot flat, ferreting decorations for the bare sections of wall (they look awesome, I put them up before painting to get a sneak peek), organizing an academic writing conference, teaching some library instruction course (*catches breath*), and last but not least, getting my wee little brain ready for next week's interview.

I was a bit spooked about getting in front of a classroom, but a few more times in front of the class largely dissolved it. The other cool thing was that I got to see some other instructors do their thing and I got ideas from them. Okay, it's not necessarily adopting my own personal teaching style, but I've gotta start somewhere. The students also seem to like the new stuff I've incorporated, so I guess it's a good start at that.

Well, this will be a good thing because I'm going to be doing ALOT of instruction for the Florida job.


My-bad... I'm still noticing the green-eyed patron guy at the pub.lib. Unfortunately, I'm on the reference desk nearly the whole time I'm at the library, serving up answers to questions ("and would you like to SuperSize your meal, or a hot apple pie with that?", hahah). I get to see his comings & goings.

The funny thing is it reminds me of the infactuation I felt more of in the past. Different parts of me tingle when he's near.

I was talking to LaLa about this guy. I was bla-bla-bla-ing, then remembering that acting on the infactuations in the past was usually the equivalent of shooting myself in the foot (okay, first there was frolicking and a little fun, and when that fizzled came the the gunshot to foot).

LaLa then asked, "and how many times have you actually got to talk to this guy?"

She got me there. I can't take this seriously! The extent of our conversations go something like, "you can find books on LLCs in the 340s... would you like a printer with your internet station today?" I guess I'm still getting used to noticing guys while in a relationship.

There's that, and it's something that breaks the monotony of working at the McReference Desk.


For the first time since she's been back to Michgan, I saw my Mom. I drove to the hometown for one day to spend time with her.

Being in Texas must've really kicked her ass, or maybe all her years of partying has finally caught up with her. She always looked younger than her acutal age, but now she looks 51, like a wearied 51.

It was nice to get caught up with everything. I took her out for dinner and helped hook up a VCR on her hillbilly boyfriend's TV from 1974 (TV was just too old, I suppose). The obnoxious thing was when I took her back to her boyfriend's house, he was drunk, stoned, and blabbering complete nonsense, just as he always had.

Wow, so this is what Mom wanted to come back to. She swears she's in love and he's the one for her. I took a good look at him. So be it, I thought, and left it at that.

The nice thing about this visit is that my living apart, as I had for the past 12 years, has distanced me from them so they don't constantly annoy me. I've been able to balance having my own space (in every way) with keeping in contact and not going insane every time I see them.

It all hit me when I was returning to my side of the state. When I drove down the freeway, I saw this sign:

Dearborn: Next 5 Exits

I instantly cheered! I remember feeling happy for returning home after my week-long trip to Florida, but I felt truly elated this time.

Yes, I have arrived home.

downwind | upstream