Cafe Hitch-hike


It happens in threes once again

One of the heaviest drinkers in my family was diagnosed with colon cancer that spread to his outer liver. Uncle Joe starts his chemo next week.

His alcoholism got progressively worse in the last 15 years, and our regular conversations started turning into drunk dials. He hadn't been looking good at all these past 2 years, and it made me cringe to say the least... it wasn't pleasant at all to see one of my main caregivers seem to drink himself to death, or to see his personality change the way it did. I alsi missed... him. Yes, I missed him, him telling me to look after myself, and talking with him!

My mom had been silent these past 3 weeks and something about it was different than her usual spells. She is looking aftrt Uncle Joe and he now stays with her.

Uncle Rey decided to start chemo for his prostate cancer. He initially decided not to do anything (one possible outcone of its treatment is losing certain functions of the penis), but changed his mind after being told he was looking at a year to live if he didn't.

My step-grandma Juanita's lung cancer spread and she was given an estimate of 6 to 12 months to live. She is 82. I guess if I'm wondering why my sis Princ had also been silent lately, there it is. I text her here and there, but I'll hear from her once her feelings reach a boiling point.

It happens in threes, and here it goes again.

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