Cafe Hitch-hike



When I went into work the other day, I noticed a law enforcement RV in the parking lot in front of the building. It was labeled ‘tactical unit’ or something like that. I had no idea (my current employer) Xanadu Tech’s cops were that well equipped, but then again I understand the American military dumps some of its surplus onto law enforcement agencies (yeah, when the military gets toys capable of larger, more efficient scales of destruction).

The next day, my colleague Chaya and I represented the building for a graduation ceremony in our regalia. I looked at the cop RV as we walked to the auditorium. As we were led to the stage to be seated, a prominent sign displayed that said protests, harassment, and other forms of expression would not be tolerated. I know that had to be done considering all of the protests going on on campuses all over America, it was a reminder that it could had easily happened here. It put a damper on what would normally be joyful proceedings.

When I started this gig last fall, I ordered a review of the emergency policies in my unit and we streamlined many things. Formerly, everyone had to go through the building manager to report something and for them to call the cops. Right Hand Person, our building manager, was happy to make changes that allowed anyone to call security if they felt they were in immediate danger, followed by informing the manager on duty and writing a brief report of basic details of the event.

We then were required to take some further steps these past 2 months. I’m not exaggerating when I say one of our elected nutjobs is proposing guns can be carried in education settings, and I’m sure we’ll get that next. Yeah, we’ll need these emergency procedures in place for the inevitable shooter who cracks up, or if 2 people draw theirs on each other when having words. Why the hell not, it already happened at 2 other places like ours these past 5 years.

Going back to commencements, the most raucous things to happen were the whoops, screams, and cheers of the graduates’ guests. One student on the stage danced on their way to get a handshake from the school president. Another flicked out a flag of Haiti (we have a lot of people from there and I gave them some claps), also for a few seconds. One year, a knucklehead took a selfie with the school president. I’m waiting for someone do to a Jimmy Buffett and streak across the stage like he did at some football games at University of Southern Mississippi.

Commencement is what I jokingly call my renewal of vows, where I remember the times I walked the aisle donning a cap and gown to celebrate that big rite of passage.

The commencements, at least, went without a problem. The other faculty and I made jokes while we waited to be led to the stage. The shoes,,, oh my! Commencements are perfect for people with shoe fetishes, hahahah! I then saw My Secret Crush while we were led to the stage. The image of us as teens making out in a low-traffic hallway came to mind. Sloppy kisses, arms awkwardly around each other, hands softening, and occasional maybe not-so-accidental presses of our bodies, haahha!

Then, just before I went to commencements, we got an email. Xanadu Tech started early retirement programs during covid lockdowns and then offered them for another year. The program has been offered again but with a twist: people with 10 or more years experience can also resign with a decent payout.

Ohhhhhh!! I kinda hoped we’d get payouts and it came true. I’m already looking for other jobs. Gee, if I hold out for another few months (when I hit the 10-year mark) then resign, I could get a payout even if I get a new job soon after? Maybe I should pause looking for a job and start applying for stuff in the fall.

I mentioned this to Avery and his look was along the lines, of ‘why the fuck would you even consider that?’. He asked if I could wait that long and if it would chip away even further at my emotions.

Well, the man has a point.

Going back to the payouts…. Let’s just see how that plays out. A part of me felt sad to see we have to do that. Things really are that bad in terms of our finances and overall administration, and maybe my anxieties had roots in an observation.

I got more freak-show news about our building at our last 2 building grand pubah meetings. I go back and tell my reports what I know is going to happen for sure, and hold back the rest until the building big boss decides to announce it. However, I give them a little preparation by suggesting things to do to get ready. At first, they didn’t seem to think what I was asking made much sense, but they now do. They ask good questions and give good feedback and considerations. Someone told me they appreciated being in the loop. I assumed rumors spread plenty, but apparently not as much as I thought.

Then, I keep the words of Right Hand Person who suggested not to give up on administrative positions because our conditions were whack. I recognize there’s been an ongoing concerted assault on education for the past 20 years that’s reaching a turning point. I can finally say my problems aren’t completely me and my hysteria but because there really is a whole lot of shaking going on.

Ziggy retired this week, and I took her out for a (root) beer. She was so excited to finally be gone. She wasn’t going to retire, but decided to after a painful surgery last winter and seeing the shape of things in the building. I’m gonna miss having lunches with her and joking about things. We are very different people, but we relish the differences.

Ok, it’s off to get ready for my next epic trip, do some homework (I’m taking another class with Prof. Arthritis who is giving us as much reading as Prof. Insano), loan my sister money (again), and enjoy the balmy late spring!!

downwind | upstream