Cafe Hitch-hike


Where I needed to be

What’s a student to do at the end of a semester? Did yin yoga and then got incredibly sloshed. Next morning: wake, bake, and gave the house a deep cleaning. Oh, it needed it! I guess a lot of things went to the wayside. I also didn’t want to clean during my upcoming 2 weeks off. I do feel a nice sense of accomplishment that was rewarded with some Colombian takeout and a soak in the community jacuzzi.

I will celebrate 5 years in the abode come February. It makes my heart swell. I walk through the house and see the little things that went into it over this time, what people brought to its energy. I found a nice spot where I will have some framed pics of Miss Marley along with her name pendent. I wondered what to put in that blank wall space, but when I put 2 framed pictures together and looked at the wall, it clicked.

The entire interior is white, with an eggshell finish, and only one of the bedrooms has an accent wall. I get tired of all the white, but I do it so I don’t have to deal with covering it when I move or sell it (when that will be is unknown). Sometimes I change wall hangings when I decided it’s not quite what I’d like, and put them somewhere else. Decorating my place is like solving a Rubick’s Cube, hahah!

I got new bedroom furniture in 2021, as the Huck thing started its sunset. It was a good thing cos it was almost 25 years old, and a lot of it fell apart when I set it next to the neighborhood dumpster! I got the furniture back in Gulf Bluff about 15 years before that and and with all the moves between then and now— hah, I had a great deal.

It felt so good to feel the tether from work feel cut. I have to go back for 2 days, one for the holiday party (I got a weird feeling about this, and hopefully it’s only that) and then M. Right Hand Person and I get to interview some people. It fell on the first day of my vacation, but I just wanted to get that done before something else keeps this hire from happening. I postponed my vacation by a day and then an hour the next damn day.

I was asked my my sis Princ again if I’d be heading to Texas and my answer was no, I’m saving up money for a car. This is true, but I decided I’ll go away from Thanksgiving and stay home for Christmas. The latter holiday is just too high-stress for everyone so I’ll just stay close to home and rest. Christmas at home tends to be peaceful, and I’d like to throw a gathering here like I did in the past. I now have the karaoke machine set up to where it’s easy to setup and yodel away, and that should be a fun thing to offer, especially as the beverages add up.

I looked at my program, and if I stay the course, I’ll be done with it in 2025. I’d rather say 2024 but this is not the case. My neighbor Fonseca and I were talking about that, and he’s always been very supportive of education. He said I’d need to be patient, and he was absolutely right. ‘Patience, Grasshopper,’ is my mantra.

I also looked at my classes another way. My one year investment of this has given me a very nice return with the little bit of change I get from my temp position. I smiled to myself to think that it’s already paying off.

Speaking of payoff, something interesting happened at work that I did not expect. Since this happened during Mercury Retrograde, I’m not jumping on it right away (“Patience, Grasshopper,” hahah). I can see one outcome as being beneficial, and another being a little less but definitely a good thing. I’ll savor the beautiful thing known as options and choices.

Classes, work, and classes again. This reprieve really has shown me how much time I spend on it, and yes, it can be tiring. I then think that maybe there is something good about this, a reason certain things have paused for that I don’t have time for them. Maybe this is where I needed to be.

downwind | upstream