Cafe Hitch-hike



I think I just felt my brain bleed a little. I had a feeling the anxiety I woke up to this a.m. had a purpose.

People never tell us that change can be destructive and disruptive to unjam what was in place. Maybe that's why they may come out of the blue. If we're "ready," we won't fully take in the change. It has to get to us like a thief in the night. We have to be startled, shocked or rattled out of the status quo to a point where we are too weak and have little choice but to let it go. To hold on would only hurt ourselves.

Then, sometimes it happens because it was coming but no one done anything about it. Sometimes we may really have a responsibility to change the course of something, or else it will be made for us. Or, maybe sometimes someone is too much in shock or fear to make the change. Either way, something has to be done.

All I can say is I may had seen all of these scenarios. I've seen where something had to change but people weren't willing for whatever reason, and then-- Some things wouldn't stop or change, and then-- *crash*

I anticipated having to break some not-good news to some people but apparently someone else will be doing that (unless I find it dumped on my plate, so hah).

The not-good news is partly merde that's been piling up forever, with people unwilling or unable or too terrified to make the changes, or people just being ignorant to what's in front of them. In a way, it's been going on for a very long time but no one has done anything about it. It was like the powers that be did nothing about some issues. As for those without the power, they were without it for so long and disparaged on top of it that they eventually gave up responsibility. They just ate each other over and over again to stay alive.

I guess my big takeaway from all of this is to ask myself what I've been doing to keep my corner of responsibility maintained. Have I been doing what I can, what is in my power, and what I need to do? I think the other takeaway is what I remember thinking at the beginning of covid:


Oh, please let me be overreacting.

downwind | upstream