Cafe Hitch-hike


Alchemic process

Or, "How I learned to stop worrying and learned to get grooved by hormones."

My cycle has changed twice in the 3 months John & I have been dating. It first changed from beginning on Tuesday to the Sunday before that. Now, it decided to change from Sunday to the Friday before that!

I woke up this morning...

"Oh, hooray!"

(Thinks over the grand calendar scheme of things, and then notes the early entrance of the menses)

"Oh, damn. Okay, okay, 'hooray.' Now 'damn.'"

When I was a kid, I used to think menses was the worst thing that could happen to a woman, but I've grown to respect it. Anne Frank, in her diary, wrote that she felt proud whenever it came and I've grown to feel the same way. It means my body is doing what it's supposed to do, when you think about the grand life cycle and biological processes. It means I'm healthy and that I'm alright. It makes me feel more sure about living.

So, can I blame my change on poor John? I recalled the little clips I've heard on the radio and read here & there. According to some researchers, yeah! Yes I can! I should e-mail him right now, cite this article, and blame him for this 4-5 day divergence of the cycles that have been this way since age 17 (give or take a couple of years).

In the same vein, it also explains some of his behavior. I decided to check my calendar, recall our better nights, and recall my own biological processes. I'm not the only one getting grooved by phermones, it appears it's mutual!

Heh-heh, it makes me appreciate relationships even more. It's amazing to think how humans are moved by such subtle, yet powerful mechanisms.

It's one thing to get emotionally and yes, even physically moved by a relationship. I just think it's awesome (to put it in the most simple terms) that it can happen on other levels.

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