Cafe Hitch-hike


Happy new year, I guess?

Happy New Year, I guess? Puppy Dog and I spent it watching movies, snacking, and dozing off around 11:00 PM. I heard revelers in the neighborhood shoot off some fireworks and give some hoots, and it was thundering without rain. I shrugged, I don't think anyone will miss this year much and it will be remembered as a blur. It will be for me.

One time, I made an April Fool's Day joke where I listed some things that happened. I'll do a pre-emptive 2021 predictions for me as a little pre-emptive laugh for whatever the fuck this year might bring...

...I get another Marley, preferably as her housemate. She gets along well with other animals.

...I get an unexpected visitor from afar (or what the hell, a different time... mmm, I wouldn't mind a visit from Malcom McDowell like in Time after time or Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap).

...I move closer to my brother because I got a comparable job/ transfer and woo hoo!

...I get happily married, and maybe even to someone I already know.

...I get promoted in my building because of personnel matters and simply because I drew the shortest straw.

...My region gets a huge Category 5 hurricane and we either lose the roof or only a single shingle. It's all or nothing, baby!

...I win a decent lottery prize (but not the Power Ball, haaaah). I'm always winning the $4 or $12 prizes, so maybe I'll get a little more (like $25 or $50).

...I get to take a trip that kinda goes batshit weird, like it was planned to go one way but turns into something else.

...I buy my dream house with the little pool and the outdoor shower, hahahah!!

and finally... kitchen and bathrooms are successfully remodeled (which seems less probable than winning the Power Ball, especially considering how shoddy the workmanship tends to be in this region).

I won't even attempt to mock-predict this year. The most unlikely things will probably happen as usual. Maybe I'll be surprised and have reasons to have faith in people?

Happy 2021 to everyone, and thanks for hanging out this year and the years past. May we find grace, good health, and most importantly, peace!

downwind | upstream