Cafe Hitch-hike


To a great host

I thought I’d be better by now, but I still test positive. I still have some symptoms that feel like the common cold. So the current recommendation is after 11 days, I need to wear a mask until I test negative for 2 tests in a row but can still go to work. I can easily imagine people running away when I come by with a mask, but gee, at least I can still go to work.

I took a cough medicine that a single study suggested could help the virus reproduce, which I learned after I took it for 3 days to clear my chest congestion. Hah, so what wasn’t good for one thing was good for another, kind of like my old friend Remy’s leukemia treatment (at the time, it was the only things available with the high likelihood it would come back later, which it did and twice).

It’s highly likely I won’t be able to do a new year’s brunch either. Well, I think I’m just gonna have a brunch to good health whenever I get covid-free. I never would had guessed I’d be such a great host to the virus.

I’m glad I didn’t travel. My mother and her siblings in Texas are extremely cautious about that (they all have diabetes and other things that put them at a higher risk).

Tex and Avery reached out again. Avery texted me for a while these past 2 nights and was also offered me some at-home tests and a grocery run. He also helped me translate what the fuck I’m supposed to do with test positive/ low grade symptoms. I graciously thanked the 2, it didn’t feel like it was just because they missed drinking with me or bummed they wouldn’t have brunch at my place (hahhaha).

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