Cafe Hitch-hike



Eating a bagel in yet another nice breakfast find. Avery swears these are among the best ones in the zip code. He knows and likes food, so I'll take his word for it. I gotta hold him to his promise to make me a kosher meal, and he's a good cook.

I had to chill this weekend. I was pretty 'dern frazzled by the first week in the new / temp position.

It's nice to be haunted by memories of the 25 or so schools I attended from grades Kindergarten through 12 that usually involved hazing or bullying of some sort. Those along with the types I've endured in the damn building these past ** years.

I gave an awkward speech (written by others and not me) that was filled with technical difficulties. After the 3rd technical screw-up, I stepped away from the podium and summarized the rest of it by my notes (gee, and I thought I didn't need them, I'm glad I brought them). I'm sure this is the first of such duties. Yeah, it was like getting told by the coach to do a shitty play. I just gotta do it, and shake it off.

I was assigned something I have no experience in doing and it's complicated as all get out. Well, I know I was brought in cos if there is a problem, yo, I'll solve it. I'm glad someone good was assigned to work with me, we usually do well.

I made a few big decisions. I had a good idea of what to do, and surprised someone with a suggestion to strengthen their proposal, and they liked it. I also became keenly aware of the cone of silence I must uphold with certain-level discussions.

I reminds me of a scene in A Clear and Present Danger where a young Latin soldier was assigned a high-risk mission. He was questioned on his willingness and fitness to do the job. After a brief discussion, he was picked. He stood in attention and grinned with a silent confidence. He's my man for this neck of my position.

Yeah, let this guy be my mentor than the bewildered 8 year old in 3rd grade. Hell, hire this guy to be her bodyguard.

In a few days, In leaving the country for a short spell. I'll be in a jungle and near a dormant volcano, and lots of natural beauty.

After that is the court date. The defendant pled guilty and will get 42 years for murder (of my niece) and will spend it in a maximum security Florida prison. I have no idea what will happen with that. My sister said her mind has been spinning since the decision was made. She will have people there at least. She isn't grieving alone but she is still crushed.

Ok, I'll relax for the rest of the day. I'll be heading to Miami to renew my exit visa (hahhah) and enjoy some its humid, lively vibe with a spot of colada (a Cuban espresso).

downwind | upstream