Cafe Hitch-hike


And because

It was a day I cried because I felt the love all around.

And because of some fear and mistrust.

And amazing news from a cousin.

And a declaration of love.

And the flowers Mom sent me.

And I asked some good questions and made good points in a discussion.

And I'm saying goodbye to a colleague of 14 years who is retiring...

...and I'm planning her gathering using colors that match the birds of paradise cos I know she likes those colors.

And I'm transitioning. It's gonna be OK, I try to tell myself as I try not to let this fear wrestle me on the ground.

It was my birthday and a full moon.

And I looked around and said, "hey, I think it's all right." This was a conclusion reached my 2 guys on my panel of male advisors (separately and they are different people).

I cried until the tears stopped soon on their own.

downwind | upstream