Cafe Hitch-hike


Reaching out and back again

I’m glad to say the doomsayers from the coven were proven wrong, but some of the people are still on edge. I don’t know what to say.

I’m sipping a Lindeman’s Kriek in a cafe while I finish my final paper. Ah, to not be broke in grad school! Ok, so I’m older than most of the classmates and people in the cafe, but it’s all good. It’s kind of like a dream come true in a weird way.

My first sip of something like this was Lindeman Framboise during my first training session in Boston (there were most Boston trainings to come). That was— I dunno, 2006?

The holidays are around the corner and I decided to get into the holiday cheer. The house is decorated with lights and garlands, and I’ve been slowly amassing the decor over time. I decorated the door of my office, and brought a large poinsettia which my co-workers liked.

The big boss has been out a lot due to health issues and so has their own right hand person. It’s been so peaceful. When the remaining building grand pubahs have our meetings, we get things done but with a sense of lightness to it. We take the job seriously but not everything so hard.

The GP’s righthand person came back, and the rest of us were like, ‘huh?’. I think we liked it better without them. There’s rumors they may get demoted. I kinda greased that path when I added to that discussion, “I’ve worked in other places with a great right-hand person, and they had many valuable connections throughout the organization, were well-respected, AND got things done!”. Well, I was telling the truth, I worked under some excellent Number Twos in organizations and our current one kinda leaves a bit to be desired.

Then, after recalling the building GP interactions and how things go in meetings, I’m like… wow… professionalism! People know what the fuck they are doing! It they don’t, they have an idea of the direction to take and riff off each other a little and find one. We can even make each other laugh a little, and then discuss something seriously and sip our caffeine (I’m assuming that’s what’s in our cups).

Professionalism. Promptness. No lame-ass excuses. They generally listen to me, too! I am so-freaking loving my work with these people! Oh, yeah, M. Right Hand Person (mine) is very much like that, too.

I got back in touch with a colleague from Edgewhere, it was like he dropped off the face of the earth. I got a request on social media a month or so ago and ignored it from some lady. Then, I took a closer look. I recognized the eyes and smile—

Bryan!?! Yes, it was Bryan now known as Dani!! She has remarried and is living in Canada (the Maritimes) and pursuing her doctorate!

We loved each other, and we will chat soon later. I will soon talk about Dani (Bryan) more later, but wow!!

It was funny cos I was just thinking about my former English Comp 102 professor who reached out to me during covid. Oh, it was so lovely hearing from her. I should maybe wish her a happy holiday, I sure hope she is well (she’s probably in her mid-80s now).

downwind | upstream