Cafe Hitch-hike


Waters of March

1. Too busy to write cos I guess I'm busy living.

2. At the beach, some couple decided to shoot glamour photographs in front of us soon after we sat down. They were tatted, with great physiques, and were - ahem - quite amorous. They also did some type of partner yoga where they lifted and held each other in certain ways. I did something like that with my siblings when we were little, like I laid on my back and propped them up with my feet on their belly, and they try to balance or pretend to fly. Well, these weren't kids. They were adults and the play was a lot less innocent.

I can think of worse things to happen on Miami Beach.

3. Reading about some US labor laws for an assignment, and my f*king God... In a nutshell, I am grateful for all the underrepresented and marginalized people who were able to break barriers for change that would had never happened with out them. Not to say it was easy, it was not! I'm sorry to say but critical race theory has valid points, and I was very surprised when I read about the origins and debates about these laws. They were written almost 100 years ago but they still put certain groups at horrific disadvantages as they did back then.

If my interpretation of the hotly contested affirmative action is correct, it didn't get started to benefit people of color. One of the most contested issues in our country largely had its origins because of war, White men who didn't like each other, and the necessity for low labor strife.

4. Am I turning bi-polar at work? No, I am not. Everyone else is and looked so tired at the last all-building meeting. I feel tired sometimes. I'm so glad my convos with Ziggy, Right Hand Person, and others keep me in good spirits.

5. I sure hope my buddy hasn't taken ill. One of my longtime friends has been acting strangely and I kinda wonder. I asked about it ("say, how is your health? Is there something up?") and they evaded answering the question. Huh.

They made out their will (and the same time that I had), but I notice they are making amends with quite a few people including an estranged adult child. I'm glad that part is going ok. They are also spending more time with their family.

I thought of Carlo, Remy, the Steampunk King, and other men who had passed out of this life. It doesn't give me comfort at all to know women tend to outlive men and to see it happening. It makes me quite sad even though I understand it's a natural part of life.

6. The neighbor, the sassy 90-year old from Jersey is moving into an assisted living home to be closer to her daughter. I figured she fought tooth and nail against that! Jane took a very bad fall about 3 months ago, but I noticed she was barely keeping up with her housework and taking care of herself. She has a sister and some family in town but her friends were dying off, including her closest friend. I'm happy she is closer to her daughter, but... I guess now Jane's kind of in God's waiting room. I'll miss the hell out of her because she was so lively and funny.

(During Jane said during the time I was seeing Huck and Timmy cos she noticed): "I see you've had visitors. Are you really seeing them both? (I explain, she didn't judge at all.) Oh, so we may have a duel in the hallway."

Since we have a similar build, I was left with a bunch of her cool clothes. I got a western-style faux leather jacket with roses embroidered on it (it totally matched a dress I wore today) and some nice capris. Her daughter and son-in-law took me out for Indian food at a new restaurant for my looking after her. I said it was no problem because I'd want someone to do the same if it were my mother and I wasn't around. Jane was also very nice company.

7. I took my friend to the zoo when they visited almost 2 weeks ago and I couldn't wait to see the otters. They looked so cute swimming but then they were coiled around each other while slowly gliding in circles and bobbing through the water. I saw one bite who I assumed was the female on the scruff, and they continued to do their thing.

I couldn't help but to film a little bit and I laughed a little. I hope there aren't laws against possessing otter porn! Well, I wanted to see if maybe I can expect otter pups, but it seems conception is highly unpredictable for them.

8. The prof (professor) waived class this week... Hooray!!

9. Two of my sisters called me and they didn't ask me for money. They really did call to see how I'm doing. I was very happy to hear from them! Sis Big Momma's son who recently finished chemo for his Hodgkin's Lymphoma has had complications from it, so she is naturally worried. It has been extremely difficult for them on so many levels.

10. Today is the first day of spring, and the song Waters of March comes to mind.

downwind | upstream