Cafe Hitch-hike


Interviews Tryouts

The building had interviews tryouts for my former boss's replacement and this song says it best. It was a combination of a popularity contest, a projection of people's complexes, and a bruising of accomplishments:

(Says one underachiever whose only written 1 thing) Their accomplishments are all over the place and their writing has no focus.
(Says one who plagiarizes work) They had one typo in their presentation.
(Says another who has no clue on leadership or responsibilities in it) I like them, they'll do fine and fit in.

Nevermind qualifications, experience, or potential. It's all about popularity and not provoking some sort of insecurity or negative emotion in others, particularly in a place where people are full of those last 2 things.

I feel like going to my next tryout where I act like a perky space case: why does something like Meg Ryan circa the 90s come to mind? Oh, but then I'd get dinged for acting like an airhead. But as long as people feel good, that's all that matters, right?

I cringed creases in my face to hear and see those, and it made me as glad as fuck I didn't tryout. I can imagine what they'd say:

*She looks funny. She's kinda tall and has an imposing presence.
*She doesn't look like a leader to me.
*I'm confused... she talks like a character from Fargo or like she's from Chicago. She looks Italian, or maybe Jewish?
*Hire her! I like tall, curvy, smart brunettes like the one I dated in college...
*She seemed overly confident, bossy, and a know-it-all.

Why do I feel like I'm getting to a point in my life where I'm feelin' it with this song?

downwind | upstream