Cafe Hitch-hike


Hitch-hike's Tour de Life 2022

Ladies and Gentleman, as I awake from my pandemic and post-surgery slumber, I am pleased to announce Hitch-Hike'sTour de Life for 2022:

**Oteil Burbridge and Friends concert

**Buddy Jimbob and his dogs visit.

**Sis Bre visit (and court hearing attendance for her daughter's 2019 homicide).

**Weekend concert series featuring a lot of my fave bands.

**Michigan visit at the family campsite. Will see a friend or 2 on the way up or back.

**Either Costa Rica or El Camino (Spain) and England visit.

**(Pending) Family visit for Thanksgiving at my brother's place near Tampa.

I guess 'fun' left my vocabulary with being on the physical mend and knowing I have extra responsibilities assigned to me wheb I return to work, along with wondering what will be what with everything (politics, pandemic, environmental concerns). But, I have these I can finally enjoy since the universe cooperated. God knows I couldn't consider these for a long time!

downwind | upstream