Cafe Hitch-hike


Accrued paid time off

When some of longtime colleagues left my building (or, were unceremoniously dumped by our former Grand Pubah when they cleaned house), they got some big payouts. The people that were ditched had a lot of paid time off for both sick and annual leave, and the current policy is we get to keep it (or get a payout when we leave) cos it's part of our salary. It is also near the end of our budget year and the Fscal Powers That Be learned to not let these types of situations happen again; their overlords were quite displeased (and more so with the series of unfortunate personnel events that happened during the former GP's term that required quite a bit of legal counsel and other payouts).

Hence, this was the reason my boss encouraged me to take extra time off and surprisingly did not demand I return as soon as possible. Apparently, I have about 12 weeks of sick time that Xanadu Tech would have to payout if I left. Wait, if I left tomorrow, I'd get almost 3 months salary?? I hardly get sick and I don't have others to care for, so I use very little sick leave. I use minimal time for doctor appointments. With the budgets being as unpredictable as they are, it would had been a financial hit on my building if I were to leave and they'd have to pay me off (I also have quite a bit of annual leave I will spend throughout this year).

The surgeon Dr. Elias gave me a blank form for work (he's sweet besides, an older Israeli guy who reminds me of my Grandpa and Alan Arkin). My mentor said he can give me an extra week and write a sick note for an additional week. So, I get to recovery from surgery, take time off work, and help my building with their money matters? Hot dog, that's a win for everybody! But oh, yet it all sounds so un-(USA) American!

(Speaking of, there's a meme circulating asking what we'd do when WWIII begins. The American response was, 'I dunno, I guess I'm essential so I guess I'll be expected at work on that day.' True stuff.)

Besides helping the building with its budget (I'm still laughing at that concept), it occurred to me that my boss wants me to take a break. I was very productive with remote work and other building activities. Everyone was stressed, yeah and so was I, but I was busy in my home office. I also facilitated some tough but needed conversations that others seemed to appreciate (even the abrasive former GP who was a control freak). The boss probably wants me to decide where I want to go with my life and career, or maybe to just take a breather.

I felt like the winter holiday break I had for almost 3 weeks was simply recovery from an injury. This break actually feels rejuvenating. I sleep so comfortably! I am embracing a slowdown as much as my body is embracing progress with pain and energy levels. Again, I can be thankful.

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