Cafe Hitch-hike


Other places to go

There is something so liberating in realizing:
a. I moved waaaaaaaay beyond something.
b. My actions, which seems seriously hare-brained by some people, actually turned out to be a good way to go.

Here's me saying, as I drive away and see the view in the rear-view mirror getting smaller, smaller, and smaller, "bye. Later loser. Arrivederci. Ciao. Tschus. Just-- bye. Just plain bye!"

I actually wanna say something along the lines of 'f-off,' but I gotta keep my Spanish Spitfire attitude in check while I drive away, and try hard not to press the accelerator too hard to where I just plain peel out and perhaps leave a mark in the pavement. Or end up against a tree.

I guess this means I shouldn't give any type of hand gesture that also may say f-off and for whatever expression (or self-righteous smirk) appears on my face, be sure it's not facing anyone.

Maybe all I need is to fully inhabit the wonderful feeling in my chest of air leaving my lungs and being able to give a big sigh of relief that may easily become a near-orgasmic squeal.

I am eternally grateful that I have other places to go.

I said, I am eternally grateful that I have other places to go.

Na-na-na-na, motherfuckers, I muttered with my toothy smile as the image disappeared from the rear-view mirror.

P.S. This has zero to do with any current or previous, real or possible romantic attachment.

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