Cafe Hitch-hike


Hallowed eve at the 3-for-1 place

This was my costume for Halloween. This video is an accurate summary of La Catrina, the Mexican grand dame of death. Her origins are from pre-Columbian myths and she kept her dark allure when later depicted in art and social commentary. The building had an event and we were asked to wear costumes, so went as La Catrina. I was going to go as a Harry Potter character, but I changed my mind. My ensemble included white face paint like in the video with cobwebs and flowers and stitches over my lips. I donned a black veil with a crown of flowers, and dressed in black clothes and a shaw.

The costume was the scariest one I've ever made and rather somber. I used some of the clothes I wore for my observance of my friend Carlo the German's passing. At that time, I looked like one of the grieving women in a funeral procession in The Godfather, but for this event, I flipped it into a costume. I felt that it was my way of acknowledging the great transition with awe and slight pageantry.

I went home and anticipated a quiet evening and cooking myself a meal. I removed my make up and ensemble when I got a call from 2 of the neighbors, Tex and Avery, who wanted to go out for drinks. Tex and I once went to the local place that sold 3 drinks for the price of 1, and I guess he liked it so much he started going there with his roommate Avery (a guy from the pool who interested me). Tex came as himself while Avery attempted to dress like a woman. I quickly put on a costume where I was a hippie, I didn't want to be a funeral dame again and look scary.

I got what I secretly hoped for, we all enjoyed ourselves with lots of laughs. I felt like I was having an evening at the bar with classmates, with the guys smack talking each other here and there. They seemed pretty used to it and I didn't detect aggression beyond that. They described themselves as hetero lifemates and have been together for 4 years (which was one source of the evening's comedy). Well, we were all much older than college-aged (and they said they got kicked out of theirs), but I guess some things never change.

It sure was like college stuff. Avery was interested in my neighbor Juliette. It was one of those 'hey, can you tell that girl I like her and ask her if she likes me?' but I could see that wouldn't fly. Instead of saying that, I asked him, "can you buy her things from Tiffany's?" I knew she was into those kinds of things and wanted an accomplished, prosperous, and refined man. As I talked to Avery, I figured he was none of the above and a pretty simple guy. He said 'no way!' to the Tiffany's reference, but muttered he thought she was attractive (which she is).

I giggled inside because I was interested in Avery but changed my mind; he's not a bad guy but not my type at all. But, I can still enjoy the attraction and let it stay there. I also smiled to myself that the universe delivered my wish from the other day, for the pool guy to treat me right some time, and the drinks, company and laughs fit the bill.

The neighbors walked me home; they brought their dog who we introduced to Marley and they played for a bit while we rehydrated. Avery left one of his breasts on my counter (it was an inflated plastic sandwich bag) and I texted that bit of information when I thanked them for the good time.

I was so glad they called. It was the diversion I think we all needed. We needed that pause where everything didn't feel as serious as covid, political instability. climate emergencies, and the other types of reckonings we're undergoing. It was just some neighbors drinking, being a little obnoxious, and just enjoying life (and a goofy 'do they like me?' scenario).

I guess this means that things can change. I had been hoping for a little levity in my life for a while with all the seriousness in life.

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