Cafe Hitch-hike


Home improvements furreal

I’m homeowner furreal now. No turning back. It wasn’t the mortgage, the downpayment, or a title. In these parts, the official document says, [My Legal Name], an unmarried woman. I guess it’s for tax purposes.

I just signed a contract for a new air conditioner, which is a necessity in these parts. A couple of my friends told me they paid a lot more for theirs, with one being a bigger house and one being in the same house size as mine. I’d be crying, but (a) I just paid off the new bedroom furniture I bought 2 summers ago, so no more payment there, (b) I knew it was ancient, and (c) I will be getting a decent raise with the temp promotion/ position. I had to finance some of purchase, and it won’t be too much more than the furniture payment.

The furniture I used to have was also 16 years old when I finally replaced it. I bought it to get Huck out of my head, but it wasn’t a complete ‘buy my happiness move.’. When I moved it to the dumpster and took it off the dolly, it fell apart when I set it down on the concrete. No one took it away like they usually do when decent furniture is left there. Yeah, it was time for a change.

Yeah, I sure hope I get to stay here for a while considering all the dinero I put into it, although 4 years and 2 months is exceptional for me to dwell in a unit. I’m not planning any more projects for the remainder of the year if I don’t have to.

The closets Fonseca installed were sublime. I went to sleep last night staring at them.

I’m not a cheapskate. I am willing to pay people for an honest job done and I can’t get something for nothing. I always appreciate a good job. I grew up surrounded by people who use their hands and backs for work, disrespecting someone who does this would be disrespecting my loved ones and is disrespect besides. However, you better believe I look for the intersection of good price and good service. There’s things I learned from my own projects (like never cover your walls with cheap paint, the extra $15 or more per can is worth it most of the time), but I do give appreciation for the service and work I receive.

I was gonna have a guy come here and do some electrical upgrades and the price was a lot more than what I expected. Since my unit was built in 1988, I’m sure the wiring isn’t quite up to code and whenever I sell/ get forced out/ die, at least it will be one less thing for anyone to think about or pay for. I’d like to think these improvements will help the resale value (assuming we don’t get any high-destruction storms this hurricane season).

The joys of homeownership!

Work…. Of course, the one error I made could had almost been fatal for the project I worked on with a group. Nothing in the books said anything about the error, it was just one of those things. Then, the second error was the Grand Pubah’s preference that I had no idea of until after it was done. Go me. I’m always the one to forge again and find the landmines and trip wires. While I’m in my trap, I give the thumbs up and the people behind me look at me like I’m an idiot instead of, “whoa, she got there first! Thank you!”

Gads, I see Avery once in a while but I told him I wasn’t interested in being exclusive at all. Of course, he’s eager for a little action. I’d be game except, well, I’m not sure I want the price that comes with all of that (and the 12 out of 10 chance it would mean exclusivity for him). Meanwhile, some of my guy friends giggle, “can you blame him for trying?”. He’s not being awful or a jerk, it’s more like flashing the unmistaken look after we hang out. He has a smile followed by a long look in my face without saying much, and then comes a soft warmth in the air. Thank God I have a lot to do.

My sister and I are taking a vacay. I was invited to go up to Maine where my friend Ali is spending the summer as a park ranger. I have credits with an airline I was to use for the holidays last year when I got covid, so I think it’s a very possible endeavor.

Well oh well, I guess I better get going and pray the group I’m on can complete the 2 remaining interviews after 3 weeks of zero response from our people. I better get crackin’.

I'm getting sh*t done, but I could use M.I.A.'s swagger.

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