Cafe Hitch-hike


Something in the air

It’s one thing to feel lust and when someone lusts for you. But it’s different when…

The jokes and chuckles faded as we walked, holding hands, through the humid, night air. I felt the pulse clearly for the past half-mile back to our room. It was something in the air.

Not long after that, we stood face-to-face in the dusky room. I felt the pulse and I stood closer.

I looked deeply into his eyes. He was silent, and the pulse felt stronger.

“You like it,” I said quietly as I slowly interpreted his pulse.

“You don’t just want love, you want the love that I give you.”

His eyes agreed. The energy that had been building pulled me closer.

“You want it,” I said, as my impressions of his expression formed into words, “you like it, and you want it from me.”

His eyes agreed again. He heard what I said, but seemed hypnotized at the same time.

I felt a warm puff of air surround us both. I don’t remember who led who, or maybe no one had to.

I best remember the beauty of sensing his body and soul speak and then having every bit of it affirmed.

downwind | upstream