Cafe Hitch-hike


Gatherings of thoughts and people

I kind of have a headache. I wonder if a thunderstorm is developing (since we are in storm season in my parts), it's from all the homemade espresso I consumed today, or from doing a lot of reading for my damn program admission essay. I figured I better write in the language imma speak for the duration I'm in it. I am actually grateful for the conversations I had with a grouchy colleague who went through the program because it cued me in on the mindset to adopt. I had to read a bit and take some notes, then let it marinade in my brain to write my essay.

Last night, I went out with my local coven. They meet at a beach that's a drive away, but I never mind the drive. I used to live in the region and also closer to the beach, and a part of my soul wags its tail like a happy dog whenever I go. I like the ladies, they talk about interesting things, but some of the other things I don't quite follow because they're not in my area of interest. But, they are really warm, kind, and like having me around (hahahah). I do like the meditations and their extensive knowledge of energy work.

We had a bit of a scare. I attended a gathering 2 weeks ago, and then someone (with an immunization) got COVID. She traveled a lot afterward, so it's possible she got it after we all met. The funny thing was I was randomly selected to get screened for it at work a few days later; I got the test although it was voluntary, and it came out negative. I shared that bit of information with others when we met last night to assure them that maybe our member got sick while traveling.

So going back to the locale where they meet: yes, I really miss living closer to the water. It's just so vibrant. I moved away because my neighborhood was getting pretty crazy, and now I found a very sane locale. I guess as long as I can head to the shore once in a while to get my infusion, I'll be sure to do it once a week, whether it's the beach, a cafe, or something else.

We meet again next week. My offering will be some ceremonial cacao which I think they will like (if they can stand the taste, hahaha). The magnesium and cacao butter fat it in do all kinds of rockin' things for the brain and mood (but sadly, it's not recommended for people with heart problems). They say it's a heart opener, while biochemists would say its ingredients stimulate blood flow through the heart and lungs, which result in the chill feelings.

I haven't heard much from relatives. I saw a (paternal) cousin last month who lives in a neighboring county, and it was an interesting thing to observe. It gave me considerably different feelings about my father's side of the family and my relationship with them. I guess some perceptions and decisions I made about them feel more solid, and I feel more comfortable with them. One of my (paternal) half-sisters and I had a brief conversation about them, and she expressed feeling very comfortable and accepting of the distance she also has with them.

I hear from my mother once in a while and my sisters. I told them they should start to prepare for our October gathering in Florida. Well, long-term planning is not at all in my family's mindset, but I gave it a kindly suggestion and will leave the rest up to them.

I then have a birthday at the end of the month. I don't know, it looks like the increase of the COVID variant infections may put the kebosh on people's eagerness to attend gatherings. Well, my birthdays were pre-empted by deaths in 2017 and 2018, then by a very powerful hurricane on my doorstep in 2019. 2020 wasn't bad, but I basically entertained my brother and cousin who made a mess of my place when they visited. I dunno, maybe I should just go to a place that offers a free ice cream cone for birthdays, and call it a day?

downwind | upstream