Cafe Hitch-hike


Spring and renovations

I made a new list of things to do around my house. I had a long list when I moved in and I actually accomplished much of it, go me!! I even had things like new stoneware plates and replacing pint beer glasses and those missions were accomplished (Fiesta products for me, wooo!!).

Now I may move on to bigger projects, the kind of things I may need to hire others to do. I have some ambitious plans and my buddy Jimbob's recent renovations to his new house kind of motivated me. He told me what he and his contractors did every step of the way. It was so daunting but then he explained it in bites.

I also have other tasks to do like make my will and my wishes for my internment (have a nice party and service then throw my ashes into the Atlantic, unless something changes). I certainly don't want the state to get my simple assets, they would be great for my siblings who never got anything. A lot of my friends my age are doing this and are also buying cemetery plots. I guess the pandemic has dramatically changed our outlooks on death to where we are more realistic.

I'm getting my hair renovated as I speak. I got a treatment so my hair doesn't completely frizz out this summer and I don't have to fry it with a flat iron twice a week (it's naturally thick and wavy). It's not cheap but it's an experiment and again, it's next to one of Rafael's favorite restaurants (I see a pattern, hahahah!). We'll meet for lunch when it's done.

So it's nice to have spring in these parts. Our weather temporarily cooled to where it is almost like spring. I'm so glad for possibilities, thinking ahead, new life and yet being in the present.

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