Cafe Hitch-hike


Big, Earth-Shattering Realization

Big, Earth-Shattering Realization About My Administrative Duties: The secret is to be as dispassionate and detached as possible for any outcome. It's really only my job to play nicely, make the boss look good, dot my 'i's' and cross my 't's.' I can provide deadlines and requests, but otherwise shall not attach an expectation to it. My project or task can be smashingly great (and no one cares) or sink like a brick (and either no one cares or I get blamed), and the best thing to do is tap dance away once it's done, singing 'Que sera' by Connie Frances.

Applying the meditative concept of equanimity is also a good thing. It's not good, it's not bad. It just is.

I can't believe the grand pubah had to tell us to be nice to each other and go so far as to say hello, be caring, make brief eye contact. I guess we had to be told. *Shrugs*

downwind | upstream