Cafe Hitch-hike


Additional occupants

Very grateful for the guests here. It was like a good visit from family. It was a well deserved break to have them. It seems like these ones always know when to call.

It was like better times at home in the river valley, except it's now. My guests were content to watch TV, play a game, make stuff in the kitchen. We had enough food and drink for everyone. The patio lounge has additional occupancy.

I actually like going to the beach and doing outdoor things, but most people when they visit seem fine with hanging out here. It's been the same for these guests. We've been cooking quite a bit, too (otherwise it's usually take-out when others are here).

That's what a break was all about.

I sure hope I can get together with my mom and siblings again at the Gulf Coast. We did it for 2 years in a row. They were such amazing times, so restorative in a way. I'm glad the visit so far has been something like that.

downwind | upstream