Cafe Hitch-hike


The good fight

I did a task that feels like the equivalent of the tale of the Dutch boy who put his finger in the dike.

The onslaught is immense. My colleagues from around the nation were asking me not long ago what the fuck was wrong with my state (as if it hadn't had its share of bizarre, true stories).

What's wrong? A mass denial, that's what. You've got lots of people who experienced one thing, and lots who don't want to look at it because-- it really is painful, for both sides. Different kinds of pain, but painful.

Oh, yeah, and then there's the possibility that OMG, you mean I have to share with people who -- should know their place? They didn't do the work I had to do to get what's mine!

Feel free to exit. Sorry. Just my side of it, and God knows I lived on all kinds of sides.

Finger in the dike... I did it while I could. Since I know I won't be able to do this task anymore, around the time of my birthday in late August, I thought I better do it now so I can leave the dike in decent enough shape for the next person to put their finger. That is, if we're lucky enough to have a next person because everyone ran away and we hire replacements.

Gee, and last night, my neighbor got 20 inches of rain that flooded out a lot of major roadways and an airport. This wasn't even for a tropical storm. Wowwwww.

It reminds me of the talk I had with my old friend Huck when he described his students' divisions in 2021. The Asian students in his very diverse school felt their needs or rights weren't being affirmed because the BLM had the floor. At least when he shared my divide-and-conquer thoughts and shared them, his colleagues kinda stopped and thought about it.

We left both conversations with this sense that, damn, many things really didn't progress a whole hell of a lot since we were high school students in the late 80s and early 90s. This is the world we're leaving for them. There was something somewhat painful about that.

For what it's worth, I'll fight the good fight as long as I can.

downwind | upstream